Retinal tear &Retinal laser
Retinal tear is a break on the retina which can cause a retinal detachment if is not treated. Usually it caused on the retina during separation of the gel (posterior vitreous detachment) from the retina, which is an age related process. The main symptom of the posterior vitreous detachment is suddenly appeared floater/s with or without flashing lights.
The fluid may pass behind the tear and cause a retinal detachment. Retinal check is advised when sudden floaters and/ or flashing lights appear as a symptoms. Some tears are self healed and will not cause a problem. However, most of the tears will need a treatment with laser to prevent a retinal detachment
Retinal laser is a light energy applied on the retina around the tear. It can be done on a slit lamp in clinic or under local anaesthetic in theatre. The only long term side effect could be related to the laser procedure is an epiretinal membrane, which may cause a central thickening of the retina. However, the benefit of the laser treatment to prevent retinal detachment is much more significant comparing to the risk of epiretinal membrane